Web Component
The WebComponent package is a Web Component version of Markup and its built on it as well.
The WebComponent
is a single API that allows you to declare native web components enhanced with Markup with things like:
- state management
- props management
- form experience enhancement
- styling handling at component level
- error handling in a single place
- lifecycles
- event handling
- DOM node references
Here is a simple example of a CounterApp
with all the main bells and whistles.
import { WebComponent, html } from '@beforesemicolon/web-component'
import stylesheet from './counter-app.css' with { type: 'css' }
interface Props {
label: string
interface State {
count: number
class CounterApp extends WebComponent<Props, State> {
static observedAttributes = ['label']
label = '+' // defined props default value
initialState = {
// declare initial state
count: 0,
// attach style at component level
stylesheet = stylesheet
countUp = (e: Event) => {
this.setState(({ count }) => ({ count: count + 1 }))
render() {
return html`
<button type="button" onclick="${this.countUp}">
// define components as you would natively
customElements.define('counter-app', CounterApp)
In your HTML you can simply use the tag normally.
<counter-app label="count up"></counter-app>m
Via npm:
npm install @beforesemicolon/web-component
Via yarn:
yarn add @beforesemicolon/web-component
Via CDN:
<!-- use the latest version -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@beforesemicolon/web-component/dist/client.js"></script>
<!-- use a specific version -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@beforesemicolon/web-component@0.0.4/dist/client.js"></script>
<!-- link you app script after -->
const { WebComponent } = BFS
const { html, state } = BFS.MARKUP
Create component
To create a component, all you need to do is create a class that extends WebComponent then define it.
class MyButton extends WebComponent {}
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
You can configure very few basic stuff about your component that will determine how your component will be rendered.
By default, all components you create add a ShadowRoot in open mode.
If you don't want ShadowRoot
in your components, you can set the config.shadow
property to false
class MyButton extends WebComponent {
config = {
shadow: false,
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
ShadowRoot options
You can specific any attachShadow options in the config object and they are all optional. The default matches their native default values.
class MyButton extends WebComponent {
config = {
// whether to attach shadow root
shadow: true,
// shadow root options
mode: 'open',
delegatesFocus: false,
clonable: false,
serializable: false,
slotAssignment: 'named',
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
Not all components need an HTML body but in case you need one, you can use the render
method to return either a Markup template, a string, or a DOM element.
import { WebComponent, html } from '@beforesemicolon/web-component'
class MyButton extends WebComponent {
render() {
return html`
<button type="button">
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
In the render method you can return anything: a string, a DOM Node, a Markup template, a null
value, or nothing at all. Some components can just handle some internal logic and dont need to render anything but their tags.
You have the ability to specify a style for your component either by providing a CSS string or a CSSStyleSheet.
import { WebComponent, html } from '@beforesemicolon/web-component'
import buttonStyle from './my-button.css' with { type: 'css' }
class MyButton extends WebComponent {
stylesheet = buttonStyle
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
Where the style is added will depend on whether the shadow option is true or false. If the component has shadow style will be added to its own content root. Otherwise, style will be added to the closest root node the component was rendered in. It can be the document itself or root of an ancestor web component.
You can use the css
utility to define your style inside the component as well.
class MyButton extends WebComponent {
stylesheet = css`
:host {
display: inline-block;
button {
color: blue;
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
It helps your IDE give you better CSS syntax highlight and autocompletion but it does not perform any computation to your CSS at this point.
You can always manipulate the stylesheet property according to the CSSStyleSheet
properties. For when you want to replace the stylesheet completely with another, you can use the updateStylesheet
method and provide either a string or a new instance of CSSStyleSheet
If your component expects props (inputs), you can set the observedAttributes
static array with all the attribute names.
class MyButton extends WebComponent {
static observedAttributes = ['type', 'disabled', 'label']
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
To define the default values for your props, simply define a property in the class with same name and provide the value.
class MyButton extends WebComponent {
static observedAttributes = ['type', 'disabled', 'label']
type = 'button'
disabled = false
label = ''
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
To read your reactive props you can access the props property in the class. This is what it is recommended to be used in the template if you want the template to react to prop changes. Check the templating section for more.
interface Props {
type: 'button' | 'reset' | 'submit'
disabled: boolean
label: string
class MyButton extends WebComponent<Props, {}> {
static observedAttributes = ['type', 'disabled', 'label']
type = 'button'
disabled = false
label = ''
constructor() {
console.log(this.props) // contains all props as getter functions
this.props.disabled() // will return the value
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
The state is based on Markup state which means it will pair up with your template just fine.
To start using state in your component simply define the initial state with the initialState
interface State {
loading: boolean
class MyButton extends WebComponent<{}, State> {
initialState = {
loading: false,
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
If you have state, you will need to update it. To do that you can call the setState
method with a whole or partially new state object or simply a callback function that returns the state.
interface State {
loading: boolean
class MyButton extends WebComponent<{}, State> {
initialState = {
loading: false,
constructor() {
loading: true,
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
if you provide a partial state object it will be merged with the current state object. No need to spread state when updating it.
You can also provide a callback so you can access the current state data.
this.setState((prev) => ({
loading: !prev.loading,
Components can dispatch
custom events of any name and include data. For that, you can use the dispatch method.
class MyButton extends WebComponent {
handleClick = (e: Event) => {
render() {
return html`
<button type="button" onclick="${this.handleClick}">
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
This dispatch
method also takes a second argument which can be the data you want to expose with the event.
this.dispatch('change', { value })
You could consider the constructor and render method as some type of "lifecycle" where anything inside the constructor happen when the component is instantiated and everything in the render
method happens before the onMount
The onMount
method is called whenever the component is added to the DOM.
class MyButton extends WebComponent {
onMount() {
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
You may always use the mounted
property to check if the component is in the DOM or not.
You have the option to return a function to perform cleanups which is executed like onDestroy.
class MyButton extends WebComponent {
onMount() {
return () => {
// handle cleanup
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
The onDestroy
method is called whenever the component is removed from the DOM.
class MyButton extends WebComponent {
onDestroy() {
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
The onUpdate
method is called whenever the component props are updated via the setAttribute
or changing the props property on the element instance directly.
class MyButton extends WebComponent {
onUpdate(name: string, newValue: unknown, oldValue: unknown) {
console.log(`prop ${name} updated from ${oldValue} to ${newValue}`)
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
The method will always tell you, which prop and its new and old value.
The onAdoption
method is called whenever the component is moved from one document to another. For example, when you move a component from an iframe to the main document.
class MyButton extends WebComponent {
onAdoption() {
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
The onError
method is called whenever the component fails to perform internal actions. These action can also be related to code executed inside any lifecycle methods, render, state or style update.
class MyButton extends WebComponent {
onError(error: Error) {
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
You may also use this method as a single place to expose and handle all the errors.
class MyButton extends WebComponent {
onClick() {
onError(error) {
// handle error
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
You can also enhance components so all errors are handled in the same place.
// have your global componenent that extends WebComponent
// and that you can use to handle all global related things, for example, error tracking
class Component extends WebComponent {
onError(error: Error) {
class MyButton extends Component {
onClick() {
customElements.define('my-button', MyButton)
WebComponent exposes the ElementInternals via the readonly internals
property that you can access for accessibility purposes.
To learn about how to create web components that well integrate with forms check the docs on form controls.
class TextField extends WebComponent {
static formAssociated = true // add this to form-related components
static observedAttributes = ['disabled', 'placeholder']
disabled = false
placeholder = ''
render() {
return html`
const field = new TextField()
field.internals // ElementInternals object
Content Root
WebComponent exposes the root of the component via the contentRoot property. If the component has a shadowRoot
, it will expose it here regardless of the mode. If not, it will be the component itself.
const field = new TextField()
field.contentRoot // ShadowRoot object
This is not to be confused with the Node returned by calling the getRootNode() on an element. The getRootNode will return the element context root node and contentRoot will contain the node where the template was rendered to.
The root
tells you about where the component was rendered at. It can either be the document itself, or the ancestor element shadow root.